Surfrider Marin Monthly Meeting Agenda December 13, 2023
- Present: Scott Tye (Vice Chair), Katy Macek, Chloe W. (Tamalpais High School Club), Alex Burke, Ted Hatch, Jesse Wernick (Chair), Jazmin D. and Jane A. (Archie Williams High School Club), Ginger Mhaling, Brian Whitlow (Treasurer)
~45 people showed up for the Dec 10 Beach Cleanup!
- Need to fill out the results for the last 2 Beach Cleanups.
- Jesse will reach out Francesca for BWTF info and get info posted on Marin Instagram
- AW:
Archie Williams High School
- SF Club is official! Jane and Jazmin and Mr. Rollins.
- They will have questions! BWTF? Other Initiatives? Beach Cleanups.
- Elections next month: https://marin.surfrider.org/news/2024executivec ommittee0
- 2024 Tide Calendars- Done - For sale or gifts to new members and donors.
- Ted: Interested in Rise above plastics - Countywide ordinance
- Alex: interested in volunteering with son, possible being on EC.
- Ginger - lobbying info
- Katie:
- What are we involved with: BWTF with clubs
- 2024 Plans? TBD
- Regular Beach Cleanups? Yes!
- Active Members? Mostly whomever shows up at the meetings, looking to expand this.
- Treasurer Report - Was circulated on paper.
- Beach Cleanups: Sunday January 14th, February 17th,March for Tam, April 22 Lily and Serena, June 2X Int’l Surfing Day
Other Chapter Highlights
Northern CA: Surfrider Humboldt is hosting their fifth annual(ish) Black and White Ocean Night Gala. If you've been looking for an excuse to come visit our Northernmost CA chapter, look no further!
Central CA: Check out the San Luis Obispo Chapter’s ‘Our Accomplishments' page: https://slo.surfrider.org/our-accomplishments. Consider adding a chapter history page to your local website.
Southern CA: Surfrider North Orange County has been working closely with the City of Irvine for the past few months to help pass a very comprehensive plastic reduction ordinance. While a recent City council vote could have defeated the chapter, North Orange County activists remain steadfast in their strategy of “constant pressure, endlessly applied” with the City. Picture of Richard giving public comment above!
Policy Field Updates!
San Mateo County and Bay Area volunteers rallied around a roundtable in Pacifica to discuss the Local Coastal Program Update, wherein the City of Pacifica is proposing policies that threaten to dramatically erode beloved surf beaches like Rockaway, Linda Mar and Sharp Park via armoring exemptions from the Coastal Act. Check out our blog to learn more.
In San Diego County, Surfrider worked with eCoast and RipCurl to develop a picture of surfability based on RipCurl GPS watch data. Dr. Jose Borrero presented this project at a sand management conference in Ventura. Video here.
The Coastal Commission will be hearing the Ocean Protection Council present an informational Item about latest sea level rise projects in California at their meeting next Wednesday in Santa Cruz. You can also tune in virtually. Item 7f should be heard between 10 AM and noon on December 13 if you click the livestream link.
Mark your calendars! California Ocean Day will be on May 7 in Sacramento next year.
Join us for Surfrider's 2024 Virtual Coastal Recreation Hill Day! Feb 28-29, 2024
Surfrider is hosting our eighth annual Coastal Recreation Hill Day in February 2024! This exciting event brings Surfrider volunteers, coastal community members and the surf industry face to face with their federal representatives to encourage bold protection of our ocean, waves and beaches. Our goal is to have every Surfrider chapter participate, with volunteer attendee(s) from each of the chapter’s local Congressional districts to maximize our outreach and impact! Pending delegation size, there may be opportunity for multiple chapter reps from the same district on a case by case basis. Please notify your chapter leadership and regional Surfrider staff if you are interested in attending by January 10, 2024!
Requirements to participate include: a desire to protect our ocean and coasts, being available to attend virtual meetings on February 28 and/or 29, and a commitment to review materials provided, attend trainings, and coordinate with your Hill Day Captain.
California Coastal Commission
With 18 agenda items that Surfrider CA is tracking and working to influence at the December Coastal Commission meeting, it's a busy time for our Policy Team! They've also launched a new ActCoastal website, sign up below to receive updates.
Book club invite
Save the date and join our special Book Club event! Surfrider CA staff will be joined by author Rosanna Xia to discuss our vanishing our coastline! Learn more and register here! All are welcome to attend.
HQ Updates
Olympic Committee to protect Teahupo’o reefs
The Surfrider Foundation urges the Olympic Committee to protect Teahupo’o reefs, provide greater transparency, and actively involve the local community. We are opposed to any new construction that endangers the reef and lagoon ecosystem. HQ put together a statement and social media toolkit that your chapters are welcome to use if you want to share (totally voluntary).